Speech Recognition consists of 3 main models:

  1. Acoustic Model : acoustic properties for each senone (HMM)
  2. Phonetic Dictionary: a mapping from words to phones
  3. Language Model: to restrict word search
      What is the next words?
        In spite __

In our application, we are working on Speech-to-Text Auto Captioning for Speeches in NCSA (The National Center for Supercomputing Applications ) Talks.
Thus, most of the talks have more related to science fields. The open source speech recognition CMUSphinx has a general models.
In this article, I will present how can we create domain-specific phonetics model.

Step 1: Get the Wikipedia Database

Wikipedia offers free copies of all available content to interested users.

Wikipedia:Database download lists all the possible tools, databases, and answers to the frequent asked questions.

To download a subset of the database in XML format, such as a specific category or a list of article, we can use Special:Export. Usage of which is described at

Wikipedia:Portal:Contents/Categories shows the categories of Wikipedia's content, such as "Culture and the arts", "Geography and places","Human activities" and etc.

The category I chose are: technology, science, computer, environment, policy, education.
I added each category one by one and got the following namespaces.
alt text

Step 2: convert the dump file to sentences

WikiExtractor is a Python script that extracts and cleans text from a Wikipedia database dump.
The tool is written in Python and requires Python 2.7 or Python 3.3+ but no additional library.


git clone https://github.com/attardi/wikiextractor.git
(sudo) python setup.py install


cd wikiextractor/
python3 WikiExtractor.py -o ../Output.txt ../Wikipedia-20190222003910.xml 

System Output:
alt text

Output Result:
alt text

To further clean the text and format it to our desired form, run the following bash command:

cat Output.txt | sed 's/<.*>//' | tr -d '\.\,&' | tr ' ' '\n' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' | tr [[:upper:]] [[:lower:]] > wiki_01.txt 
  • sed 's/<.*>//' delete everything inside "<>"
  • tr -d '.\,&' and sed '/1*$/d' delete empty string (I forgot why I repeat twice)
  • tr ' ' '\n' translates space to newline
  • tr [[:upper:]] [[:lower:]] translate upper case letter to lower case

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The article is inspired by Creating a text corpus from Wikipedia

  1. [:space:] [return]